My two bits about this (meaning,of course, a rapid response without additional Google searching for sourche materials) happened to be that I enjoy the continuity between original intentions of the term and the broader tableau of poetics and formulations it's meant to encompass in our time.Language is not a dead thing, and the meanings of words shift with the change of historical context. "Verse" as we commonly use it today hardly means the same verses we find in the Bible, but there is an etymology of the term , a history of how it was originally used and how that has morphed as technology, wars and immigration patterns have changed the way language is used; words are living things that evolve with human experience.
I rather like the connection one can make between the Bible, the Torah and the Koran verses and the kind of work Whitman, cummings and ,say, Jackson McLow engaged in. It's a reminder that poetry is the ongoing attempt to use language in ways that deal with experiences and ideas that would other wise be in expressible. Besides that, i appreciate having the convenient antonym for poetry, mainly "verse", since it's useful and accurate hedge against monotony.Lacking a useful substitute,one risks sounding like the voice that emerges a Google search on your cell phone, flat, without accent or rhythm. It would be voice that creates high beam stares as listeners nod and commence to mentally balance their checkbooks.
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