Lowen Liu does a savvy take down of later day deconstructionist David Shields and his new book, How Literature Saved My Life.
Click the link and relish the reviewer's astute debunking of a writer too lazy to be a genius on his own terms. The implied evidence here is that David
Shields has concerned himself far too much with the last fifty years of
literary criticism and not enough with an inquiry as to how literature,
for all its obviously failings at achieving fidelity with what is lazily
termed The Real World, nonetheless creates meanings, subtle
distinctions between character psychology and exterior narrative events,
and , frankly, a language that is at times moving and beautiful.
He focuses instead on the generalized failture of the singular book to
dissolve contradiction and bad feeling , curse it for exploiting his
supposed gullibility, and mounts an argument that the whole thing needs
to be taken apart , pieced out like old autos in a scrap yard, existing
as no more that a rusted husk of a thing that houses spare parts that
are used only when needed. Collage indeed.
A move away from narrative fiction is not a
"gigantic innovation" by any means; more novels are written and
published than ever before, and the readers for them are steady.
What Shields does is a symptom of any age with too
many databases and too many comedians passing off one liners as stinging
editorializing. The elevation of nonfiction to literary status is as
well hardly innovative or provocative--the list is too long long and
expansive of nonfiction books with profound literary merit to mention
even a few. Pastiche, Shields' actual stock in trade, is also an old
ploy. What Liu gets right in her review are the disguised symptoms of
writerly slackerhood. He engages Shields rather nicely and reveals him
to be a bright boy with a lyric bent who hasn't yet given us an idea
worth debating.
This makes his
books little more than trash can robots, noisy things of no particular
elegance that are books by a rewrite of existing definitions. It is the
worst of the post-modernist tricks that writers have fallen into, the
smart chap in the audience cross talking a string of authors who have
actually written books, beginning to end, those who have done the work
of writing.
This grazing approach to literature and writing
is a stale substitute; Shields might well be able to write a whole book
without lifting large chunks from the canon to obscure his lack of
depth--he does manage a nice paragraph here and there--but his
sensibility is that of an editor, someone with solid tastes in writers
and ideas who , in their own efforts to engage the muse, manage only
minor key ironies achieved at little or no personal expense. Shields
hasn't the strength to go into the deep end of the pool. For publishers, major or minor, issuing
forth writers doing something close to what Shields does , first we have
to realize that what the author under review is doing isn't something
that hasn't been done for a very long time , which is writing about
writing and pondering the efficacy of the written account of getting
beyond the phenomenal world and apprehending that reality perceivable
only by whatever god of convenience is ruling a reader's psychic
The self-reflective aspect , the writing about writing, the
lyric hermeneutics is old stuff by this point, starting , I suspect,
with Tristam Shanty and coursing thorugh the decades through Robbe
Grillett, William Burroughs, Roland Barthes, Tom Robbins , Kurt
Vonnegut, Derrida, Ron Silliman, Kathy Acker, many, many others. Shields
really is only doubling down, to use a deadening cliche, on what others
have already fretted over or had fun with. Jamming all the varied
activities of late modernist writing into one volume does not create an
innovation, it makes a mess, an untidy mess.